Great Tips For Getting Your Dog Toilet Trained

It is a sad thing about the world today; people don't understand the commitment that a dog demands. Both from an emotional and time perspective, dogs are an extension of ourselves and very easily compared to having a small child in the house.

It is possible to find and use diapers for house training a dog but that is merely an indication that you have not thought through the commitment that a dog demands and deserves. Giving your dog its due time and care is the first step in teaching the person how to teach the dog.

Being ready for the commitment

Picking out a dog is something that you need to put some time into. Dogs, and cats for that matter, are terrible Christmas gifts because they are generally given with that "oh… he's so cute" spur of the moment purchase mentality. Most people wouldn't run out and buy a car on the spur of the moment or even give a fish tank with several bags of fish as a gift because it takes time and costs a lot of money. Dogs are no different and even require more thought if the person-dog relationship is going to work out for the next 10-15 years. Take your time before settling for the dog that is right for you and your family. It will be the best decision, both for you and your family but most importantly for your dog.

A brave new world

Walking down the street of a big city and taking a look up at all the skyscrapers is an example of just how small you are and just how big the rest of the world is. This is one of the concepts that you need to understand as you begin getting your dog introduced into his new home. Even after you bring your new dog home you’ll need to continually understand that you are that skyscraper to your new dog. Even after he has grown to full size you are still just that big thing that gives scratches and food. Never hesitate to get down on the ground and roll around at his eye level for a bit. If you don’t you may find that your dog won’t really recognize you on the ground past your smell. Keeping your dog comfortable with all the new things that appear big in his new home will go along way toward making him feel relaxed and more willing to follow your and his new routine.

The morning routine

Scientists often say that the human’s morning routine of washing up, getting food and all those things we do just after we get up in the morning is one of the most powerful routines we have. If we don’t do it the same way each and every day, the day just doesn’t feel right for the rest of it. Dogs are the same way. The problem is, they don’t have anybody around to give them that routine in the morning and at night. Here is where the first signs of commitment come into play. You are the parent here and you don’t get Saturdays and Sundays off. In the first days/hours of bringing your new dog home choose a schedule that you are willing to keep for the next 1 ½ - 2 years. Ideally, you have already thought this through so you can start on night one of bringing him home, but if you haven’t do it right now. 


With some dogs you may not have this choice and they will try to give it to you. But, if you can possibly get the dog to conform to your schedule early on it will be (A LOT) easier on you. If you wake up at 6am for work each morning this is when your dogs day starts as well. Until he is old enough to wait for you to eat and shower before the walk and poop/pee you do the routine the same way each and every day. You will find very quickly that dogs can tell time to the minute very quickly, especially where food is concerned. Feed first when they are young and take them out to poop and pee in the same place each day. They may not be ready to poop/pee on command so patients are critical. When the dog does poop/pee, in the right place give a sign of reward. A positive good job and a nice scratch should do. Never give more then a disapproving tone of voice to your dog. This accomplishes nothing. Always give the opportunity at the same times, as closely to the exact same times as possible at first. These times should be: breakfast, dinner and just before bed. 

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